Level measurement and point level detection of stones and sand in the water basin

Level measurement and point level detection of stones and sand in the water basin

Category: Energy


Water inlet at the reservoir

Level measurement and point level detection of stones and sand in the water basin

Level measurement and point level detection of stones and sand in the water basin

Process data

Measuring task
Level measurement and point level detection
Measuring point
Measuring range up to
10 m
Water, sand, rocks
Process temperature
-20 … +30 °C
Process pressure
0 … 0 bar
Mechanical loads and abrasion due to water pressure, sand and stones


If the natural flow of water into a reservoir is not sufficient for optimal energy production, additional water is fed into the reservoir via ducts or tunnels from water catchments that can be up to several kilometres distant. Coarse debris is held back by massive grids at the main water inlet. Smaller stones, grit and sand can accumulate in the transfer basin in front of the tunnel. Constant monitoring of the level of stones and sand in the basin ensures that no debris gets into the tunnel system.

Your benefit

Reliable level switch protects the tunnel system from rocks and sand
Cost effective
Flushing only on demand
User friendly
Automatic operation

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