Density and pressure measurement during spice slurry thickening

Density and pressure measurement during spice slurry thickening

Category: Food industry



Density and pressure measurement during spice slurry thickening

Density and pressure measurement during spice slurry thickening

Process data

Measuring task
Density and pressure measurement
Measuring point
Measuring range
1100 … 1600 kg/m3
Spice paste
Process temperature
+20 … +135 °C
Process pressure
0 … +1 bar
Special challenges
High process temperatures and abrasion


In the production of spices, the spices are first mixed with water and oil to form a slurry. This is fed into an evaporator, where water is removed to turn it into a kind of syrup. The thickened spice syrup must have exactly the right density - so that it can be spread thinly onto metal sheets for oven drying, ready to be ground into powder. To ensure the optimal density of the spice syrup, it requires a continuous measurement during manufacture. The pressure in the feed pipe leading to the evaporator also requires careful monitoring to ensure a smooth-running production process.

Your benefit

Reliable measurement independent of process conditions
Cost effective
plics® concept: short delivery time and standardized operation
User friendly
Simple installation and commissioning

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